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AI & Machine Learning

Utilize advanced AI insights from both transparent (whitebox) and opaque (blackbox) machine learning models to detect intricate fraud patterns and continuously enhance your fraud detection systems.

Product description

Uncover Fraud Patterns Beyond Human Capability.

Stay Ahead of Emerging Threats

– Deploy pre-built blackbox machine learning models for immediate, top-tier fraud detection.
– Leverage algorithms that adapt in real-time to evolving threats, ensuring your business stays protected against new fraud strategies.
– Benefit from continuous learning that exponentially improves your fraud detection capabilities over time.

Enhance Fraud Team Efficiency

– Customize and deploy intuitive rules and automations to streamline your fraud team’s workflow.
– Apply heuristic rules based on historical transaction data to block fraud attempts instantly.
– Automatically cluster and analyze email addresses to swiftly detect multi-accounting and bot activities.

Reduce Fraud-Related Financial Losses

– Utilize AI-driven threat detection to proactively combat fraud around the clock.
– Set customizable risk thresholds to filter out fraudsters while allowing legitimate customers to transact securely.
– Identify fraud patterns in advance to significantly reduce the risk of financial losses.


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